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crossbase trainings

Project and power training for the crossbase software modules

All users have different needs. We take this fact into account with customer-specific training documents. The knowledge can be further deepened by references to the comprehensive help documentation. The trainers prepare each training individually so that what has been learned can be put into practice quickly.

Project trainings

Training within the scope of a project is carried out promptly after the system being ready-to-use and in close coordination with the customer. The trainings follow on from the workshops and ensure a smooth introduction to working with crossbase.

The respective project managers train the users in all application modules, starting with data transfer, up to data maintenance and the transfer to print, office and electronic catalogs. 

  • Training on the basis of individual customer data and processes
  • Training with didactically prepared training documents
  • Implementation on site at the customer's premises
  • Dates following the workshop and the system being ready-to-use

Power trainings

These trainings are tailored to the needs and requirements of the individual customers. This means that power training courses take place in direct consultation with the customer and offer individually tailored content. The trainings are usually conducted by the main contact person. 

  • Optimization of workflows and introduction of new processes and functions for administrators and power users
  • Topics are defined in advance in close coordination with the customer
  • Presentation of software innovations that can be implemented user-specifically
  • Implementation: At crossbase with workshop character
  • Dates by reconciliation

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