Olpe, 2014-01-23: KEMPER is an independent, standalone family-owned company rich in tradition, which since its founding in 1864 has grown to become a modern brand with high international esteem. KEMPER is one of the world's most respected specialists for precise and high-quality non-ferrous metal products and semi-finished metal products. Approximately 750 employees work in the three business areas of building technology, casting technology and semi-finished non-ferrous metal products.
Gebr. Kemper GmbH + Co. KG decided to use the PIM, MAM and cross-media solution from crossbase for the automation of print publications (gross price list, main catalog etc.), data provision for the online catalog (web interface), and data provision for online portals (including SHK-Branchenportal and www.ausschreiben.de).
The initial importing of data for all sale items into the PIM system was followed by manual maintenance. The data in the PIM system is enriched with marketing-relevant product data, such as product features, product relationships, images and texts.
Much attention is given here to the inheritance concept, whereby the product features and texts from the product group are inherited by the products. This ensures comprehensive and uniform data maintenance and minimises the maintenance effort many times over.
A continuous interface to the ERP system ensures that the PIM system is continuously filled with product features. The inflow and outflow of products also runs through this interface.
Additional product texts are automatically generated in multiple languages via text templates based on the granular maintenance of product features. The predefined text templates describe how the product texts structurally merged from individually created texts and generate a finished product text. In this way, texts are generated for entire product groups as well as for individual products. The generated texts are used in the online catalog, print publications and in electronic catalogs.
Publications include the gross price list and main catalog. These publications are produced automatically using crossbase and Adobe InDesign. A complete and media-neutral RGB workflow (intermediate binding) is used for this. The produced InDesign documents are used to generate the print data for B/W printing as well as for downloaded PDF documents with hyperlinks and PDF bookmarks.
crossbase mediasolution GmbH
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71034 Böblingen
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crossbase mediasolution GmbH
Konrad-Doppelmayr-Straße 15
6922 Wolfurt
+43 5574 64880-39
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Herby Tessadri